
Token Address:


Token Supply:


Max. Supply:


Transfer Fee:


Circulating Supply:


Low Transfer Fee. That's it.

0.1% of the transfer fee will be locked forever. The remaining 40% of the supply is being held in a multi-sig wallet only to be used as tokens for future development and other marketing to improve our ecosystem


© 2024 by PUPpy. All rights reserved!

So let’s cherish these puppies, their playful grace,

Their tiny barks echoing in this enchanted space.

For in their presence, worries fade away,

And our hearts swell with love, day after day. 🐾❤️

Growing Value:

Just like a puppy’s playful energy, the value of Puppy Meme Token keeps bounding upward. Holders can watch their investment grow while sharing in the collective excitement. 🚀