Buy on Fluxbeam

> Go to

> Use Solana Network

> Import $PUP SPL-2022 contract address:


> Swap SOL/PUP

Buy on Jupiter

> Go to

> Use Solana Network

> Import $PUP SPL-2022 contract address:


> Swap SOL/PUP

Buy Now

* When you want to buy $PUP with $APO will be coming soon

Buy on any DEX and CEX

Buy on Raydium

> Go to

> Use Solana Network

> Import $PUP SPL-2022 contract address:


> Swap SOL/PUP


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Eyes like liquid chocolate, wide and bright,

They explore the world with innocent might.

Tiny snouts sniffing at life's fragrant trails,

Puppies remind us that love never fails.

Puppy Love:

Our token is fueled by pure puppy love! Every transaction spreads happiness and warmth, just like a cuddle from your favorite furry friend.